Wednesday, 29 April 2015

LO2- Media Pitch Feedback and Questionnaire

We were asked to create a questionnaire to support our media pitch because it showed what other people thought about it, their opinions and what we could do to improve, so that we could make our ideas stronger.

Here are my results for my questionnaire:

What were the main 2 strengths:

-Good variation of dance styles and ideas of shots
-Strong and original idea which is unique

What were the main 3 improvements:

- Contrasts in location for my photos
- Expand the diversity for your images
- Make sure that you can get permissions because if not you can't take your photos

Next step:

- I will use different locations for my images, such as streets with graffiti for ballet to show juxtaposition.
- I will get permission from the models that I know so that I can take photos of them.
- I will try to expand my target audience and include males and different ethnicities to gain a larger audience.

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